Me- Look at you Diva! You can pump your legs while you swing. You are such a big kid! Diva- I know, I am a big kid! Me- Where did my baby go? Diva- I'm right here Mommy, I'm just growing up.
It was a beautiful Saturday. Picture perfect weather, seventy degrees and not a cloud in sky. As I got ready for my wedding day, everyone helping me to get ready kept commenting on how calm I was. Being the neurotic person I am, I thought for sure I would be a wreck on my wedding day. I wasn't. I was perfectly content and at ease with the fact that I was getting ready to stand before God and my loved ones and pledge my lifelong committment to my best friend. Marraige isn't always easy, but true love is well worth fighting for. Happy anniversary to my amazing husband, who always has my back and has given me two precious gifts-his love, and our amazing little girl. I love you baby!!!