The Diva has become very challenging. She testing boundaries left and right, is prone to tantrums and is driving me a bit mad. I love her, I do. She is a sweet child (most of the time). However, I am about at my wits end with the fits. We are being consistent (we always try to be), and sometimes I fear that this isn't just a phase, but that my daughter is going to permanently be a full fledged
Veruca Salt. It's a scary thought. Three is proving to be harder than age 2. At 2, The Diva went through the whole "Mine" phase, but with her own unique style. When she does something, she does it big. I could barely take her out in public because she would
harrass innocent bystanders. As I pushed the shopping cart through the store, she would say to shoppers, "This is MY MILK!", or "This is MY
WALMART!" It was embarrassing, but it passed, with a lot of work on my part. But will this too pass? Sometimes I worry. The Diva appears to be pretty intelligent, which works in her favor when she wants to be horrid. She knows just what to do.
Dinner time has been one of our most recent combat zones. She pushes buttons like there's no tomorrow and proclaims that she doesn't like whatever it is I am serving. She has had a time out or ten during dinner time.
Here's a sample of some
pre-dinner testing of my patience/sanity:
The Diva: What are we having for dinner
Me: Sloppy
Joes and Mac and Cheese (Don't judge me, we eat plenty of healthy meals)
The Diva: I don't like Sloppy
Joes and Mac and Cheese (She's lying, she loves the Mac!), I'm going to have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
Me: No Diva, you're not. This is not a restaurant, you are going to eat what Mommy and Daddy are having.
The Diva: Yes it is a restaurant. And I'm the customer.
Daddy-O and I just looked it each other. I reaffirmed that there would be no peanut butter and jelly served. But I swear, she knows just what she is doing and how to get to me. I am fearful for the teenage years and am hoping to get through the
preschool years without producing a terror. I love The Diva, but man.....